I'm Getting Married!

Wedding Photography Inquiry


H E L L O!  It's so nice to meet you!


Photographing people means I am in the business of getting to know people. There is so much to discuss when you are looking for the right wedding photographer, so feel free to give me a call at 207-318-1829. Emailing works too: photo@sharynpeavey.com

T H A N K  Y O U  for contacting me. I look forward to talking with you!



Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you. 

~Dr. Seuss



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Thank you for contacting Sharyn Peavey Photography!

Thank you for contacting me about your wedding photography. Your search to find the right photographer for you is important to me. I have received your message and will get in touch with you within 1-2 days. If you would like to reach me right away, please feel free to call or text.

In the meantime, you might find this these tips for wedding planning helpful!


Have a fabulous day!


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