Bella's Story
Over the past 4 years, I haven't needed to go the shelter to find a dog, they have found me. Bella is one such pup. This sweet Brindle lost her first owner when she was 5 to an over dose. She was with them for over 24 hours before someone discovered the news and came to their house. For the next few months she stayed with a family member and it is that individual that eventually made their way to my house. They asked if when working could they bring their dog. I said sure! Upon arrival, Bella ran to the couch, plopped herself down and looked at me like she had been living there all along. Her and my then Rottie, Pepper, got along fabulously. They played rough. Bella was fast and Pepper liked to chase. Bella stayed with me on and off for stretches of a time. Each time it would take 4-6weeks for her to settle in. She has been with us now for 2 years without interruption. While watching her play in the field out back of the house I thought about how she came to me. It was the summer of 2021. I had recently lost a dear dear loved one in a car accident, and was grieving deeply. I heard a voice whisper the name of her current care taker, I thought that's strange I know no one is here and know no one by that name. I didn't yet. I also found myself longing for a brindle boxer. I would look them up on instagram and I saw one at a wedding I was photographing that summer. I was obsessed. It was in September I met the fellow whose name will remain anonymous and then October when I met Bella. I know now, her spirit was grieving too and called out to me knowing, this was the home for her. Bella has an oncologist, a cardiologist and an optometrist. Thank you to Dr. Blackwood for treating both of Bella's eyes. She has the need for speed, loves taking her meds in her spoonful of peanut butter and prefers to sleep on the couch and not her dog bed. She is living her best life in Pownal Maine. Bella also gives the best hugs. If you would like to celebrate your pet with a portrait session please be in touch. Your soul will appreciate it.